Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on September 8th, 2011
Treating shin pain is one thing, but treating it so it never causes you any pain or discomfort ever again is another. If you have ever had shin splints, or are suffering with them now, you will know just how painful they can be. I am guessing that you will have probably wondered if there was some sort of miracle treatment that would stop them from ever causing you discomfort again too!
Absolutely, there is!
It is possible to get rid of shin splints for good…it’s not quite a miracle treatment, but it is certainly possible to get rid of them completely!
I wouldn’t blame you for feeling a little skeptical, especially if you have suffered with this problem for years and have tried everything to get rid of them but the secret to treating splints is so obvious and so simple that it is hard to understand why more sufferers haven’t thought about it, in fact it’s quite surprising that probably only about 5% of sufferers have discovered the secret of how to have a splints free life!
If like so many others you are using the ‘tried and tested’ shin splints treatments for this agonizing condition because you believe they are your only treatment options then it is time to stop and assess the situation, if these treatments are so good, and so widely used, why do your shin splints keep coming back?
The use of ice, resting, anti-inflammatory drugs and taping etc, are certainly effective in providing pain relief and in reducing any swelling caused by splints and as such are vital for the management of pain and discomfort, but a cure for shin-splints they are not, and this is why they will continue to cause you problems if these are the only treatments you use.
The actual secret to beating this condition is to realise that all the ‘traditional’ treatments will only ever provide effective pain relief and do not treat the cause of your problem, if they did your shin splints would never return!
Realise that shin pain is a symptom of a deeper rooted problem and that by ignoring this fact by continually using the standard treatments means that you will continue to be blighted by the condition.
Your body will always tell you when you have a problem and pain is one of those warnings, left unheeded the problem will continue and in some cases even become worse!
The good news is that once you realise that there is more to the condition than just the pain, the sooner you will never be bothered by them again!
There are a number of underlying problems that result in shin splint pain and the only way to find which problem is causing yours is to go through a process of investigation that will finally uncover the actual root cause of your shin pain.
Issues such as flat feet, tight calves and even weak glutes could all be possible causes, but without proper investigation you will never know.
Normally, once the underlying cause of your your problem is found, it can be very easily remedied by simply combining effective pain management techniques with certain types of exercises and treatment strategies that are specific to each problem.
Following your specific treatment steps to letter, will give very fast results, sometimes positive results can even be realised in as little as 48 hours and you will be stunned the next time you run or train…because you will wonder why your shins are not hurting!
So, if you are serious about getting rid of your shin splints for good the secret is to look beyond the pain and treat the cause of the pain, do this and you will never be bothered by them again!
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on September 2nd, 2011
If you’re currently suffering from Shingles right now, then using the proper natural Shingles treatments is essential to cure Shingles. If left untreated, you will continue to experience pain and the rash may get infected or lead to a further complication.
In this article, I’m going to be sharing the three most popular natural Shingles treatments that have been proven to work time and time again. As always, you want to consult with your doctor before trying anything.
1) Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural anti-bacteria fighting agent that contains important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfer, copper, iron, and many others that help boost the immune system to fight off Shingles. When suffering from Shingles, your immune system has been weakened or compromised. In order for your body to naturally fight off the virus and heal rash, effective natural Shingles treatments like Apple Cider Vinegar is needed. Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for many years on countless ailments and doesn’t have any side effects.
2) Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E Oil is one of the most useful natural Shingles treatments because it helps with relieving pain, itchiness and burning sensations that you may be experiencing. It can be applied directly on the rash, which will help moisturize it and absorb right into it. This helps the infected area heal properly as well, as the blisters will begin to scab over by using this treatment. Make sure you apply Vitamin E Oil to the skin when it is clean. After a bath is one of the best times.
3) Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used as a home remedy for years. It’s one of the better natural Shingles treatments because it has a cooling affect which will help reduce any burning that you’re feeling on the rash. Aloe Vera is fantastic to cure Shingles because of the many ingredients it contains, such as all the vitamins (except vitamin D), enzymes, minerals, anti-microbial, and amino acids that are beneficial in boosting the immune system to cure Shingles. Aloe Vera is also anti-inflammatory and is an anti-oxidant, which helps repair damaged skin from Shingles.
If you use these natural Shingles treatments, you should notice a big difference within days. You want to make sure you are eating healthy, staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest at the same time.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on August 25th, 2011
Whether you have been diagnosed with varicose veins or not, you’ve probably heard of them before, and you probably have an idea of what they look like. If you have or think you might have them, here is some information that we hope can help you decide whether or not you should seek treatment.
What Causes Them?
They are characterized by weakened veins that are close to the surface of the skin. They tend to be stretched which is what causes them to be weaker than a normal vein. This occurs when blood pools within a vein due to damaged or malfunctioning valves within the veins themselves. When the blood pools, the vein is forced to expand, stretching and weakening the walls of the vein.
There are both visible and non-visible symptoms. If you have varicose veins, you may notice your legs feeling achy and heavy after standing or restless when lying down. You also may notice that the skin over your veins is abnormal colored or shiny, and you may experience swollen, itchy, and painful ankles or feet. Injuries to them tend to bleed more than normal as well.
While they can usually be diagnosed by a simple physical examination, there are also a number of tests that may be done. The Trendelenburg Test requires you to raise your leg to the level of your heart allowing excess blood to leave your leg. Once you stand up, your doctor will watch your legs for varicose veins as they will become visible almost immediately as the blood rushes back to your legs. Another test uses a tourniquet to stop the blood flow to the leg and then uses the same procedure. In addition, ultrasound and venography are tests that may be used to determine what is causing them.
Unfortunately, once varicose veins causes the walls of a vein to be weekend and stretched, they will never return on their own. Fortunately, most people are able to find relief without having to undergo any medical procedure. Lifestyle treatment can involve elevating the legs occasionally to reduce swelling and wearing compression stockings to improve circulation.For people who require medical treatment to relive symptoms from varicose veins, there are a number of minimally invasive procedures that can help.
Endovenous laser ablation and endovenous radiofrequency ablation use a catheter to seal of the vein using a laser or radio energy.
Sclerotherapy is the injection of a solution that irritates the inside of the vein, causing it to swell and stick together, and creating scar tissue and destroying the vein.
For the most severe of varicose veins, surgical treatment may be required.
If your varicose veins symptoms are getter tough to bear, consider contact a varicose veins doctor near you.
Essential oils offer several anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which make aromatherapy treatments for acne an effective treatment. By providing yourself with a daily massage that includes essential oils you can effectively clear your skin of acne-causing bacteria. Using this tool in your fight against acne effectively promotes blood circulation while playing an active role in stimulating your mood and encouraging relaxation.
Certain aromatherapy treatments work best to target specific areas. One example, lavender oil features many antiseptic qualities. When diluted with witch hazel, lavender oil works effectively to remove problem acne. Lavender tops the list as one of several aromatherapy remedies that inhibit the growth of the bacteria known to cause acne. Jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang and myrrh also remain on this list of favorite acne treating essential oils.
Tea tree oil, originally used for first-aid by the Australian army, features many anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. For use in treating acne, mix with aloe vera gel then apply it to clean skin. Once combined with the aloe vera gel, dab it onto the skin on the face, back, or chest, wherever acne occurs with the use of a cotton ball.
When used improperly, essential oils can pose a danger. One common misconception states that anything claiming to be natural will be safe. For topical use, essential oils need dilution. Failing to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin can cause a burn. For people with highly sensitive skin, most doctors and aromatherapists recommend testing the product in an inconspicuous spot prior to the first use. To test, add a single drop of your choice of essential oil to one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub this mixture into your skin. If you notice any redness, itching, or other irritation, do not use.
To effectively treat acne on the back, combine three or four of the essential oils that are recommended for use with acne and combine them with purified water and aloe vera gel. Add all of the ingredients to a bottle with a pump spray, preferably a dark or amber colored bottle, shake well and spray the mixture on the back.
When used properly, aromatherapy treatments for acne can unclog pores, heal scars and feature amazing antiseptic properties that help to contribute to clear, fresh skin. One of the most popular items used with the essential oil includes jojoba. This carrier oil remains a top choice used to dilute the oils because it effectively moisturizes the skin without blocking pores and without leaving an oily residue behind.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on August 19th, 2011
Naturopathy is a system that looks to treat the root cause of disease. Therapies include special diets, herbal medicines, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, enzymes, massage, etc. The Naturopath looks to bring the body back into optimal health with out the use of surgery or synthetic drugs. The basic principle of Naturopathy is to bring the body back into balance or homeostasis so it can resist disease verses treating the symptoms only with pharmaceuticals drugs and surgery, which can cause compounding side effects and leave the body out of balance.
Naturopathy first came into light around 1900 by Benedict Lust. This remarkable man was an M.D., a D.O. and a N.D. who came to the United States from Germany. In 1905, Lust started the American School of Naturopathy, which was the first naturopathic college in United States. Dr. Benedict Lust also founded the American Naturopathic Society in 1919. Naturopathic medicine had great success in the early years, but after the discovery of penicillin in 1928, naturopathy went into a recession. Naturopathy is now making resurgence due to the fact that people are searching for alternatives due to many side effects of prescription medication.
Many people are looking to Naturopathy because it is based on these six principles:
(1) Safe and effective with No Harm
(2) The Healing Power of Nature
(3) Discover and Treat the Cause, Not Just the Effect
(4) Treat the Whole Person
(5) The Physician act as a Teacher
(6) Prevention is the best “cure”
A Naturopath identifies the self-healing power of nature inherent in every human being. Naturopathic doctors (N.D.) or naturopathic medical doctors (N.M.D.) identify and remove the obstacles to recover and stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Naturopathic practitioners emphasize a holistic approach to patient care. Naturopathy focuses on two areas: One, supporting the bodies own healing potential and the other is teaching people to adopt a lifestyle that promotes optimal health. Naturopathic doctors treat both acute and chronic diseases, the emphasis is on prevention and it can be best accomplished through educating people.
In the early 1900 America was ranked as the healthiest nation in the World, to date we have fallen to 79th. It is no secret that most Americans are not reaching optimal health due to fact that we are undernourished and over fed. Our food is devitalized due, mass production, soil depletion, over processing just to name a few.
Based on the National Health and Nutrition Education Survey
(NHANES-joint collaboration of USDA and the Center for Disease Control), in 2002
•93% Americans did not meet the Estimated Adequate Requirement (EAR) for Vitamin E
•56% did not meet the EAR for magnesium
•44% did not meet the EAR for Vitamin A
•31% did not meet the EAR for Vitamin C
Most Americans are deficient in some key nutrients that are at the very foundation of health.
Naturopaths can be very helpful in determining which supplements can benefit you the most.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on June 8th, 2011
Some diseases of the eyes can naturally occur with time. Age-related diseases of the eyes may include cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Among the three diseases mentioned, macular degeneration is probably the most devastating and life-changing. It often results to permanent loss of vision gradually. The hope for getting new treatments for macular degeneration is on its way but there is still no definite way on how to completely cure the disease. What eye doctors can do now is to slow the progress of the disease.
Persons who have high risk for developing macular degeneration or have been diagnosed with the disease just recently, it is critical that they should be educated about the entire process of the disease including the causes, treatment options and prognosis.
An age-related macular degeneration or ARMD is considered to be one of the primary causes of permanent blindness today. This age-related condition is frequently a result of chronic diseases of the eyes that affects the tissues located in the macula or the portion of tissues that are responsible for central vision. The usual ARMD can primarily exhibit a blurry central vision while some may also experience presence of a blind spot within their central vision while the peripheral vision remains intact. Other early warning sign of a macular disintegration include difficulty seeing objects without an increased light. Reading of books with smaller prints may also be difficult to read. Some may also have a distorted vision when it comes to viewing closely spaced lines or grids.
A typical macular degeneration can gradually occur over time, though some may have the course of the disease progress very rapidly resulting to extensive loss of vision of the eye. Generally, macular degeneration causes partial loss of vision as it only affects the central vision that is used to read, recognize people, drive, and carrying out of tasks on a daily basis.
The deterioration of the retinal pigment epithelium usually causes macular degeneration. The deterioration gradually results in loss of pigment and atrophy or thinning of the cells within the retinal tissue. As time progresses, waste deposits continue to build up to form a tissue that damages the macular cells that receives light. When the macular cells are damaged, information and signals in the brain will not reach the optic nerves, thus loss of vision can decrease gradually.
Macular degeneration is best treated when it is detected within its early stages. Seeing an eye doctor regularly allows greater treatment options that will slow the progress of the disease.There are also certain treatments that can help stop further progression of macular disintegration as long as it is detected early.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on June 3rd, 2011
I’ll let you in on a little secret: most “get rid of spots” acne treatments never worked for me. Truth is, these so-called acne cures rarely work for anyone. It’s all about marketing hype and pretty labels – and worse yet, empty lies.
What you’re reading now might just change all of that for you. Instead of looking just for a get rid of spots treatment, what you need to look for is how to prevent spots while getting rid of the ones you currently have. That includes getting rid of live acne as well as the red marks your old acne left behind.
So where should you start? Well instead of heading to your local drugstore, you might make a pit stop at the grocery store for an acne home remedy. That’s what I did – and it’s done wonders for the acne on my face, back and chest. Check out some of these remedies that are not only cheaper, but are often more effective.
Spot Treatments
Organic honey: It sounds sticky, and it is, but it’s really one of the best organic treatments for acne. The thing about honey is, it’s antibacterial. Thus, it kills the bacteria in the zit, just like benzoyl peroxide does, except without feeling harsh on your skin.
How to apply: Take a clean finger or cotton swab, and dab a little honey on each zit. Don’t plaster it all over your face; just on the individual zits themselves. Then after 15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.
Ice: And we’re not talking Smirnoff. We’re talking plain ice, applied directly to the spots to get the swelling down. Once you get the swelling down, you’ll also encourage the rest of the zit to go away. However, you’ll want to wrap the ice cube up in a paper towel before putting it on your skin, or you’ll be in for a frozen face!
Mint: Some people will take mint toothpaste or mint extract mixed with turmeric powder and paste it on their zits for a few minutes. This, in addition to killing germs, will have a cooling effect that relieves the pain the spots are causing you. This get rid of spots treatment smells good, too, unlike other acne remedies.
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil might seem like a stupid thing to put on zits – after all, aren’t you trying to get rid of the oil? Well, not exactly. Your skin still needs oil to stay moisturized, as it will get irritated if you don’t. But anyway – about the tea tree oil. Dab a little of this stuff onto each spot. But instead of washing it off, leave it on until it dries.
Witch hazel: Some teens and adults like to strip off their spots with rubbing alcohol. Bad idea! Use witch hazel instead. This will lighten the redness of the spots in addition to cleansing the area and making the skin around it less irritated.
If you want to get rid of spots, these five remedies are some of your best bets.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on May 26th, 2011
Hematoma is the medical term for collection of blood under the skin, and in the muscle or inside an organ. Usually, the blood tends to collect when blood vessels rupture. A hematoma can occur in any part of the body, and therefore, there are many kinds of hematomas. The most serious kind is the one that develops inside the brain. Even within the brain, the hematomas can occur in any part of the brain, and based on the location of the hematoma, it is named.
Generally, a hematoma occurs when a person sustains a traumatic injury on the soft tissue of the body. It has been seen that people who have weak blood vessels are more prone to developing hematomas. The skin often gets discolored and may appear bluish or black in color. The site of the hematoma will be painful and inflamed. When a hematoma occurs in the brain, it may or may not causes symptoms. However, after a few days of sustaining the injury, the person may complain of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dilation of pupils, and drowsiness.
The treatment for hematoma is dependent on the type of hematoma, its size and its location. If the hematoma is superficial, then it may not require any treatment as it generally heals on its own in a few days time. To alleviate the pain, ice packs can be applied to injury site many times a day. This will also facilitate the healing process. In case the hematoma occurs in the leg, then ice pack will help, but the person should restrict the movement of the affected leg. Putting a compression bandage on the injury site will facilitate in the blood being resorbed by the body. In case the hematoma is large, then a surgical procedure would have to be conducted to drain out the blood. This is also true for hematomas that develop after an invasive surgery.
If the hematoma is present within the soft tissue of the brain, it is treated as a medical emergency. If the size of the hematoma is small, then the patient will be carefully monitored as the hematoma is often resorbed by the body without any medical treatment. However, if the hematoma does not disappear on its own in a few days time, then a small surgical procedure is necessary. The neurosurgeon will drill a small opening in the skull and suck out the accumulated blood through the hole. However, if the hematoma is located in the dura, then craniotomy is required where the skull is surgically opened to remove the accumulated blood.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on April 29th, 2011
Dysphagia is the medical terminology when referring to difficulties in swallowing and is caused by strokes and related illnesses and damages in the central nervous system. Although a minor problem that can be easily remedied, dysphagia may, at times, take on serious proportions with fatal consequences. Pill forms of medication are difficult for dysphagia patients to swallow, so liquid medications are used in substitute to solve this problem.
To continually ensure the administration of correct dosage, all liquid medicines come with special measuring spoons. Since regular teaspoons are not of standard sizes, it was revealed during a recent study that the dosage could vary greatly when the special spoon supplied with the medication was not utilized. If you are having trouble using the spoon that comes with your medicine, ask your pharmacist for a medicine cup or oral syringe in order to measure your dosage as accurately as possible.
It is necessary for liquid formulations to be designed a bit differently that tablets so that patients receive the proper dosage without the need to consume large quantities of liquid. It must also include ingredients that mask the taste of the drug which frequently is bitter and foul tasting. The normal dose for children is usually no more than 4 millilitres, but adults will usually need to take the medication in a larger dosage. The medicine comes in a syrup solution and has sweeteners and other flavours that hide the otherwise bad taste of the medicine; these types of medicines are normally thicker, as a thick syrup is not as likely to spill or be accidentally inhaled. Furthermore, it might have additional ingredients that make sure the medication stays in the liquid so the medication will work properly.
Medication must be stored properly and safely. It is essential that dosage and timing instructions are followed closely and that any leftover medication is taken to a pharmacy for proper disposition.
The very act of swallowing is quite complicated because it is caused by a reflex neurological action that is managed by the brain. It involves the act of masticating food until it forms a small, soft ball of food called a bolus. The bolus must then be moved into the pharynx where some small, automatic muscle movements work together to get the food into the oesophagus, or food pipe, and into the stomach. Everything happens when the body, at the same time, prohibits foods and liquids from going into the wind pipe and lungs. The whole act of swallowing is maintained by different locations in the brain and if any one of these locations is injured, for example by a stroke, this can cause dysphagia.
There are many medical conditions that could cause the sufferer to experience difficulty swallowing. In order to develop a proper treatment plan that will work, it is critical to find out why the patient has developed this problem. Stroke dysphagia is the most common culprit. Liquid medication and food have alleviated post-stroke problems in case of a number of patients. Although most cases of swallowing difficulties can be alleviated by exercises, there do exist some chronic cases that require feeding tubes.
When the dysphagia becomes so painful that the person is not able to swallow liquid medicine or food, then it is time for either a temporary, or perhaps permanent, feeding tube that will need to be inserted. When other treatments fail to work, this is a final option. Prior to reaching this phase, the reduction of the amount of food put into the mouth, thoroughly chewing the food, adding additional liquid to the food or completely liquefying the food can all be a beneficial aid to swallowing. Since becoming distressed can exacerbate the issues, it is a good idea for the patient to remain as calm as possible.
Younger victims of dysphagia normally suffer from inflammatory muscle diseases, while in older victims dysphagia is linked to central nervous system issues, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, bulbar palsy and stroke. Achalasia is another possible cause as to why a patient may be experiencing difficulty when trying to swallow. This condition involves the oesophagus when it is not able to sufficiently relax and allow food and liquids to travel down to the stomach; when this happens, the food is regurgitated, the person loses weight and there is pain in the chest.
Dilation damage may occur to the oesophagus if dysphagia is not treated. When that happens, patients who could previously swallow liquids even though they had difficulty swallowing solid foods may eventually be unable to swallow liquids, leading to the necessity of inserting a feeding a tube to provide food and water.
Posted by: Alyssa Morris in Other on April 7th, 2011
The trend for advances in health care tracks in the same footprints as the technological advances through the roaring forties, the rocking fifties, the moon walks of the sixties to the scattering of satellites by the thousands and mobile computers by the millions. It almost takes two strong hands to lift a drug reference handbook.
And yes, there are many drugs and medications designed specifically to control cholesterol levels.
Instant and Easy Cures
But with the level of science and technology at such a high peak, is it a no brainer to simply start taking medication to control your cholesterol? Is it like when you have a headache you take an aspirin (or one of at least a dozen other headache remedies)?
Read the thick, tightly folded warning printed in micro-font found inside most medication containers. Yes, if you get your magnifying glass out, you will find numerous precautions the FDA mandate the drug companies provide for consumer knowledge and protection. The miracle drug for many just might be toxic to some unfortunate few.
Suppose you are on five different prescription drug medications, unwind all those warnings and add them up. Do you now have a clue what they’re going to do to your natural body metabolism? Oh, and by the way, what about the primary purpose for each medication, how do you or your Doctor sort out what effect or how much impact these medications are cures or turn into a cause for a side effect?
Root Causes
Of course, there is a wide range of causes for your cholesterol being out of kilter. A qualified Doctor should determine if your particular cause for having high cholesterol merits a medication. Some people seemingly do all the right things and still have a cholesterol problem. This can happen as a result of being in a family with a hereditary tendency for their body to produce too much bad cholesterol.
However, for the great majority of people, the root cause can be traced to the type of lifestyle they have led. Much medical research has proven that smoking can elevate bad cholesterol. Research shows that people who are overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle often find their cholesterol to be out of balance, that is, the LDL and triglycerides are too high and the HDL (good) cholesterol is too low.
Natural Controls
The natural cure to lower bad cholesterol is to manage your diet and to get regular exercise. This is a winning combination that will improve both your health and your happiness. When a person has health problems, most of the time they also suffer emotional problems such as depression. Granted, our customary habits are very hard to break. A change will take willpower, courage and support from those close to you. But, the payoff is huge, not only a longer life, but one in which you will find much more enjoyment.
It doesn’t take massive or instant changes, just a personal desire to improve your life. You can start by looking for some reference material that lists natural food types, supplements and diets that are best suited to lower your LDL cholesterol. Exercise can be as simple as a natural movement of the body such as taking a walk each day.